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Commercial HVAC & Plumbing Experts in the DC Metro Area

Commercial HVAC Services
Mechanical Projects
Special Projects

About Harvey W. Hottel, Inc.

Established in 1945 and based in Gaithersburg, MD, Harvey W. Hottel, Inc. is a distinguished, family-owned provider of HVAC and plumbing services across the Mid-Atlantic Region. We take pride in our team of licensed professionals who undergo rigorous training and screening processes. Our commitment to using advanced tools and technologies, like VRF and geothermal systems, has positioned us as a leader in commercial design and installation. Upholding a legacy of excellence and integrity remains our mission.

Indoor Storage Tank Installation in the DC Metropolitan Area

Comprehensive Services

Entrust Harvey W. Hottel, Inc. with designing, installing, maintaining, and repairing sophisticated commercial HVAC systems. Our dedicated team ensures top-notch and cost-effective solutions tailored to your needs. While we list a range of our services below, feel free to consult our experts on any specific requirements:

Installation of HVAC unit in a commercial space  in the DC Metropolitan Area

LEED-Certified Excellence

Choose Harvey W. Hottel, Inc. for sustainable building and renovation projects. We champion energy-efficient constructions, supporting LEED (Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design) certification. Some of our projects span:

  • Municipal & Government Institutions
  • Office Buildings
  • Religious Facilities
  • Private Schools
  • Residential Complexes
  • Retail Spaces & Warehouses
  • Custom Homes
  • Research Laboratories
Harvey Hottel Contractors Unloading an HVAC Unit in the DC Metropolitan Area

Innovative HVAC Engineering

Our commitment to environmental sustainability reflects in our engineering designs. Optimizing energy efficiency, we ensure long-term savings and enhanced air quality. Our expert technicians emphasize timely project delivery and comprehensive solutions such as:

  • Traditional HVAC Systems
  • Humidity Control Systems
  • Air Distribution Systems
  • Commercial Plumbing Solutions
  • High-Velocity Cooling Systems

Consider a geothermal HVAC unit from Harvey W. Hottel, Inc. for an energy-efficient alternative to traditional HVAC systems for your business. These systems use electrically powered heat pumps to circulate water or refrigerant through underground pipes, efficiently heating and cooling your space while reducing energy costs. Advantages include simultaneous heating and cooling with individual room control, reduced operational noise, cost-effectiveness with lower maintenance expenses, no need for outdoor equipment, longevity with pipes lasting up to 50 years, fully electric operation, elimination of boiler and chiller maintenance, a maintenance-free heat exchanger with a 40-year lifespan, zero air pollution, and conservation of natural resources.

Your Trusted HVAC Partner

Over the years, we have fostered strong partnerships with local contractors and building owners, reinforcing our commitment to service excellence. For reliable HVAC solutions in the Greater Washington area, whether scheduled or emergency, trust our seven-decade legacy. Contact us today to elevate your HVAC systems.

Join Our Team

If you’re passionate about the HVAC and plumbing sectors and aspire for excellence, Harvey W. Hottel, Inc. may be your next professional home. Visit our employment page to explore current opportunities.


Gaithersburg, MD

18900 Woodfield Road
Gaithersburg, MD 20879


Hours of Operation
Monday – Friday: 7:30 AM – 4:00 PM

Woodbridge, VA

2714 Code Way, Unit 12
Woodbridge, VA 22192


Hours of Operation
Monday – Friday: 7:30 AM – 4:00 PM